From Elvis to Scrabble, meet the superheroes helping you clear your ads
Peach People, our production admin support service, is powered by… you guessed it - people!

21 February 2022
Peach does more than just delivery and our Peach People team is testament to that.
Built up of 10 people scattered across the world, sharing 50+ years of combined experience in production admin, our team is dedicated to help you meet any of your broadcast and online requirements.
So without further ado 🥁, meet the team for yourself who take the ad out of added work…
Natalie Akers
Tell us a bit about yourself: So… I'm old! I've worked within London advertising agencies from when I was 18, so that's 36 years this year (arrgh!)
But honestly? I don’t really feel that old at all! I do miss the advertising world of the 90s and early 2000s, it was very extravagant and lots of fun. Nowadays though, I live in London with a partner, 2 kids (well ones a teenager) and we just rehomed a rescue puppy from Romania.
Most memorable ad you’ve worked on: More recently at Peach it has been the M&S Christmas Jumpers , but over the years the Terrys Chocolate Orange ads with Dawn French were fun, a Barclaycard ad with lots of premiership footballers involved and then the Adele album launch (not this years) was funny as it was soooo secret.
What’s the funniest clearance request you’ve had to sort out: I had to clear Bungle, Zippy and George from the kids show Rainbow and the actor who voiced them owned the copyright. When I called him to negotiate the deal, on more than one occasion he would speak in the voice of one of the 3 puppets whilst I was trying to discuss the deal and contract. A very bizarre experience to say the least!
Best insider tip (that you’re willing to share): Don't panic, it's only an advert and also be nice to people, it will get you very far.
Lorna Cowley
Tell us a bit about yourself: I have worked in TV admin since 2008. I'm now also a wife and a mother to a beautiful, sassy little girl and about to become a mother for the second time. These days I mostly feel like a private chef, laundry maid and snack carrier but I wouldn't change it.
Most memorable ad you’ve worked on: Easy! Omega Pharma, XLS Medical. It took 18 months to clear due to many unfortunate circumstances but I will always remember the day it finally went on air.
What’s the funniest clearance request you’ve had to sort out: I’ve had many over the years, it's hard to pick, but one does spring to mind instantly: I had a French commercial where they wanted to show elderly people nearly run over and having to fall out of the way. They also wanted to show food carts being crashed into and pets getting tangled around lamp posts. Not the safest of ideas and of course, rejected but it was fun to try.
Best insider tip (that you’re willing to share): A phone call goes a lot longer than an email. I find the majority of my clients like to chat and it's refreshing.
Madeleine Neve
Tell us a bit about yourself: Small, red haired and always have holes in my tights (not intentionally). May have once ended up on a musicals cruise for a few days.
Most memorable ad you’ve worked on: ‘Britain Get Talking’ – it was memorable because in general, charity adverts are difficult to clear and this one involved 2 charities and 5 brands. However, it was mainly memorable as it was 2 and a half minutes long, introduced by Ant and Dec in the Britain’s Got Talent final, the first of its kind and it was a silent advert.
This ad was created to emphasise the importance of mental health and listening to each other. Should you wish to watch this moment on the show, you can watch it here and then the advert it cut to here.
What’s the funniest clearance request you’ve had to sort out: I had an advert for an alcohol product that involved a cat, but the cat wasn’t allowed to be too cute as it may appeal to children. This involved a lot of back and forth of cat pictures as to whether the individual cat would be allowed.
Best insider tip (that you’re willing to share): The ‘template’ function on Peach is my best friend.
Nora Van Es
Tell us a bit about yourself: Tallest person on the team, major geek, and occasional hair model (see pic...). In my free time you can find me stalking wildlife to take some nice photographs. Or, like a true Dutchie, out for a bike ride.
Most memorable ad you’ve worked on: An advertisement for a creative agency. It felt very meta to advertise an agency that can help you advertise your brand.
What’s the funniest clearance request you’ve had to sort out: The advertiser wanted to show a shot of a couple sitting on the sofa, watching TV as they snuggled together with a cup of coffee. The ARPP (the French clearing body) does not allow advertisers to show people eating or drinking in front of a screen, so they rejected this. The advertiser asked if we could check with the ARPP if they might accept it if the drink was a cup of tea instead (the ARPP said no...).
Best insider tip (that you’re willing to share): If I told you, I'm afraid I'd have to kill you 👀. However, did you know that we have a great resource where you can find lots of handy information, such as tech specs, export guides, articles, and more! All can be found here.
Molly Lucas
Tell us a bit about yourself: A blonde, beautiful, intelligent & VERY funny Aquarian. Need I say more?
Most memorable ad you’ve worked on: I had to be the bearer of bad news & tell the client it would probably, at best, get a post 10pm restriction with Clearcast... but picture the scene: Drunk Santa,. falls over presents. Falls into the tree. Gets wrapped in lights. Sets fire to room. Wakes Kids. Wakes parents. Wakes grandparents. Room on fire. Flaming Santa. Presents on fire. All to a killer soundtrack... We didn't share this with Clearcast in the end and didn't end up working on this any further - but it was an hilarious ad to discuss with the client & I personally would have loved to see this on air!
What’s the funniest clearance request you’ve had to sort out: The funniest clearance I have ever had the pleasure of working on was one which involved a sketchy looking laboratory, a Grandma being snogged for an awkwardly long time and a tranquilliser being fired out of a baguette. Safe to say, we had to work round this one quite a bit.
Best insider tip (that you’re willing to share): Did you know... In France advertising, you're not allowed to show anybody eating or drinking anything in front of a screen, but a dog can jump up and steal a sandwich off the kitchen counter? How bizarre!
Hayley Mills
Tell us a bit about yourself: Unfiltered, non-millennial, incontinent 40 something and creator of Sensual Sue. I love music, white wine, and a knees-up. I shed a tear when Chas died from Chas & Dave and bizarrely went dogging (by accident) with my partner in crime, Natalie Akers.
Most memorable ad you’ve worked on: So many to pick over the years but one campaign involved authentic bikers and I had to meet one outside the Disney Store at Oxford Street to get him to sign his artist declaration and confirm his fee as he had no fixed address or bank account! I like adverts that make you feel something, and I am a sucker for all things Christmas, so I especially love it when we get a big, glossy feel-good ad at Christmas time.
What’s the funniest clearance request you’ve had to sort out: Tonnes, but a recent one involved a walking, talking female who-ha.
Best insider tip (that you’re willing to share): Never assume!
Becci Antrobus
Tell us a bit about yourself: Known as Betchi to the team (don't ask!) I LOVE a glass of Malbec, know every bit of Michael Jackson's Thriller dance but please don't ever ask me to do Karaoke!
Most memorable ad you’ve worked on: Any of the music campaigns I used to work on for a certain Mr Cowell... Wouldn't take no for an answer, which was always a challenge!
What’s the funniest clearance request you’ve had to sort out: A famous UK musician is sitting on top of a washing machine set on spin in a massive pile of rubbish. The ad starts on a close up of his face and then pulls back whilst he is talking about taking care of the planet. All sounds fine right? Well, it took most of the 1 minute ad to see that he is sitting on said vibrating washing machine, so for that entire minute it looks like he’s enjoying himself *a bit* too much if you get my drift. (Clearcast also flagged this).
Best insider tip (that you’re willing to share): Being organised is key in this job.
Sarah Shelley
Tell us a bit about yourself: I'm Sarah, 32. I have worked at Peach twice (I just couldn't stay away, they are such a lovely lot!) I am the foodie of the group I would say. I should have shares in Walkers and apparently I have the loudest laugh in London! I love most things but my biggest pet peeve is ponytail swings on someone walking fast!
Most memorable ad you’ve worked on: Probably one for the US - it was going out in 25 states and I had to email the individual contacts for each station . It was safe to say, I dragged half the team in to help me tackle this process!
What’s the funniest clearance request you’ve had to sort out: “It's 5pm Friday, can you get this on air for Monday?” The answer was probably yes. This team can work miracles!!
Best insider tip (that you’re willing to share): Kill them with kindness & boozy lunches.
Marisa Zamora
Tell us a bit about yourself: I’ve been around the block a few times! I’ve met all walks of life but I’m still learning. I recently discovered I want to live in the Australian desert and bought a house there. I love all sorts of music, flowers, puppies, cooking and baths. My dream job was to be a back -up vocalist but I’m terrified of singing in public.
Most memorable ad you’ve worked on: I do love a high-end production with all the bells and whistles. The Heineken ‘once James Bond, always James Bond’ ad was a clever play on Daniel Craig’s impending retirement in 2020 just before his final Bond film was about to be released (then wasn’t released). In the ad we see a sloppy dressed, forgetful and unfit Daniel Craig aka Bond running around a random country. He needs to get his mojo back and steals a suit, sits at the bar as per usual and automatically a martini glass appears in front of him. We think Bond is back but he rejects the martini glass and goes for the Heineken. He’s done with being Bond but will always be Bond, except now he prefers a beer.
What’s the funniest clearance request you’ve had to sort out: Very graphic period undies advertisement for women. Too much information!
Best insider tip (that you’re willing to share): Always ask the right questions!
Adam Daniels-Smith
Tell us a bit about yourself: A fun, bubbly and smiley guy (yes guy to break up the loud ladies in TV Admin) joined Jan 2022, with a background of Clearcast Operations, TV Bookings, Business Affairs, and now Healthcare which I still do on some evenings and weekends per week, crazy I know!?
Most memorable ad you’ve worked on: As I have not long joined the team, I don't think I can outshine anyone else in the funniest/memorable ad, I do have many stories from my time at Clearcast that you know full well would never get clearance, but they would make the morning meeting laugh, so maybe that was the aim of the game?
Best insider tip (that you’re willing to share): My best tip working with this lot!? Be yourself and don't take life so seriously, we have a great dynamic, we work hard to get clearance, but have a laugh within the team, something you cannot put a price on, believe me!
Anna Morris
Tell us a bit about yourself: 40-something partially-deaf, totally sane cat-lady. I live in Hertfordshire with my Partner and we are proud pawrents of two Ragdoll Cats - Billy and Betty. I'm also a comedian, writer and actor. I've performed my shows in the UK and Australia and I've been in lots of sitcoms and a Wickes advert! I worked at Clearast for 4 years and have been working freelance for Peach for 8 years now.
Most memorable ad you’ve worked on: A perfume ad I cleared got pulled by the Advertising Standards Authority because they thought the girl in the ad looked like she was miming injecting heroin...The perfume was called Opium and I thought she was just dancing weirdly!
What’s the funniest clearance request you’ve had to sort out: At Clearcast - a guy called us to ask us to clear a home-made advert for his Christmas single which he'd written and recorded himself. He'd paid for some local airtime. The ad was for a song called F**k Christmas and he got very angry when we said we couldn't allow swear words or deleted expletives on TV.
Best insider tip (that you’re willing to share): Check documents before you send them - scripts, substantiation, details. You'd be surprised how many people send us the wrong script or the wrong information which causes delays and mistakes!
Whether it be full time support or adhoc cover, Peach People’s can-do attitude and ability to cover even the most stressful of situations mean your production admin problems don’t stand a chance. We provide support on everything from clearance, copy rotations, licences and more to keep your momentum going.
Get in contact today to find out how we can help with your production admin and let you focus on what you do best.