“Just Peach.me the file”
New in the Peach platform: We've made sharing video assets for advertising easy, added support for longform, made approvals simple, plus everything else we've just launched.

01 October 2021
Upload and go
Share video assets with Peach: as easy as email, but built for advertising. Organised, secure, with QC — and ready to be sent to collaborators.
Watch James Clark explain our new upload files first feature
We’ve been talking to teams working with digital files, and they often just want to quickly share video assets with collaborators. Using email or other file sharing tools not designed for advertising is slow, insecure and forces you to faff around uploading and downloading files.
Peach has fixed this: now just upload files and we’ll do the rest.
Designed for advertising — Peach will automatically set up video ads with the correct duration, title and aspect ratio for the ad type. It gets properly organised, it’s secure and assets get QC’ed. Shared with collaborators they can take the assets on from there or send straight onto social, ad servers and other destinations.
Read more about the thinking and design of the feature…
Ready to approve?
Ad approval works better than ever in Peach.
Add an ‘Approver’ as a collaborator into a campaign and they can check ads, metadata, destinations and anything else. Simple, but powerful.
Go loooooooooooooong
Peach now fully supports longform in Germany, Austria, Switzerland — and the UK soon.
You can now send XDCAM video assets up to 30mins long. Just pick the longform ad type, add details and away you go.
Download video proxies of ads
Download files for Clearcast or ARPP clearance or other file formats straight from Peach.
You can now easily download proxies (set up for your account) from the video viewer. Speak to your Account Manager if you have some specific file formats you would like to get access to.
Connect straight to Amazon’s Sizmek Ad Suite
Peach is now integrated with Sizmek.
Back in August we launched our integration with Amazon’s Sizmek Ad Suite. With the new integration, brands and agencies can simply upload files once into Peach, then give our platform access to directly distribute ads into Amazon Advertising’s Sizmek Creative Asset Library — and BOOM: a faster, error-proofed way of transfering digital advertising creative.
Hear from Lolly Mason on the integration…
And there’s more
Usability and layout improvements to the destinations picker
We’ve improved the layout and experience of the destination picker. This is now faster, much clearer when destinations are picked and the layout makes the hierarchy much clearer. Now, by default the TV and digital destinations section are open — click on My Lists to get access to your saved destinations and Via Activators to access our range of destinations designed to create assets for specific web servers, digital and social platforms.
File renditions: designed for BVOD
A user can now send an ad to a single supported broadcaster or other destinations, and a number of assets in the right set of resolutions will be delivered. For example, sending a 16:9 file to a BVoD destination like Foxtel in Australia will result in 5 different 16:9 videos optimised for different resolutions — making sure viewers are getting the very best quality.
Improved sponsorship support
In the UK we now support different types of sponsorship content whether the destination requires 6 or 0 frames of silence. Just pick the relevant sponsorship ad type.
Pick specific channels in destinations where supported
Some broadcast destinations with channels require them to be picked. We have now updated the destination picker to support this.
Better help in Peach
Have you noticed our new onboarding messaging in Peach? Helping to explain key features, different types of collaborators and more, get back to us if you have any feedback or need to know more.
Improvements to collaborators
We’ve made it easier to add individual collaborators into multiple roles.
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