How to make your ad accessible
A Peach guide

14 May 2024
With inclusivity the hot word on everyone's lips, you may be wondering ‘How do I make my ads more accessible?’ To celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), we are showing you just how simple it is to make more ads inclusive for all.
Access Services are features that help people participate in media consumption, e.g. broadcast or digital content. There are a variety of Access Services available to help people with vision or hearing impairments, & other disabilities.
There are several ways to make video ads accessible to everyone which include;
Closed Captions (CC)
These captions, designed to support those with an audio impairment, have the option of being switched on or off by the user.
Open Captions (OC)
Burnt into the content and available all the time there is no option to ever switch them off. They are ideal for playing in environments like waiting rooms or for those who are hard of hearing.
Audio Description (AD)
A user enabled service that narrates visual content & describes any important visual details that would not be understood from the soundtrack alone for those who are visually impaired.
Accessible Transcript
Descriptions of imagery accessed via screen readers for when Audio description isn't available
Sign Interpretation
Interpretation of spoken language into sign language, for deaf people via an on-screen interpreter.
At Peach, we already support a range of advertisers, media and creative agencies, broadcasters and publishers with access services like closed captioning* and Audio Descriptions. Interested in finding out how you can make your ads more inclusive? Get in touch…
Read more about our accessibility initiatives on our blog or read more in the ISBA report.
*available in the following markets: United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Italy, Spain, China, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand
Categorised as:
- Peach Connect
- Opinion
- Accessibility