Are you ready for Christmas deadlines?
It might be a couple of months away still, but we break down why it’s important to get ahead of Christmas deadlines sooner rather than later.

05 October 2021
We know Christmas is still a couple of months away but we always find that the holidays sneak up on us a lot quicker than we expected. That’s great for the presents and the delicious food but not so great for meeting ad destination deadlines (and our waist belts).
Here's a couple of reasons why you should really start focusing on those Christmas deadlines now and not any later:
Christmas preparation and productions are already underway
This means that deadlines are now in motion and have started to creep closer already. No presents under the tree might be bad, but we’d argue failing to get your ad campaign on air is much worse. That’s why we’d recommend finding out exactly what those pesky deadlines are so you can enjoy no last minute panics.
Digital content has a longer lead time than TV content
Getting your ad onto TV is a well grooved and understood process. As such, it is relatively easy to turn an ad around from final finish to broadcaster in under 2 days, meaning it is rare (although not impossible) for some unforeseen circumstance coming along and disrupting your chance of meeting a deadline.
Digital however? Complete different story. It can sometimes take 2-3 weeks to get a digital campaign live and there are potentially unlimited reasons why a digital campaign has been blocked seemingly at the last minute. That’s why it’s even more essential to understand what your deadlines are now so you can work backwards and if needs be, add pressure to your stakeholders if there is a hold up.
Be able to enjoy the lead up to Christmas this year
The last thing anyone wants is to be panicking a month out before St. Nick’s big day. The festive season is a time for family and friends - not for chasing and confirming things that genuinely could have been ironed out this month.
Now is the time to make sure your ads beat Father Christmas and arrive onto your audiences' screen. Peach easily manages both digital and linear ad distribution and our automated service gives Rudolph a run for his money in efficiency and speed. Reach out via our contact us page or get in contact with your Account Manager with your media plan and we can advise on which deadlines you need to meet, so you can rest up this holiday season.
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